Coastal Skipper & YachtMaster Offshore Theory
Upcoming Course Dates:
Monday 4th to Saturday 9th November 2024
The RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory Course is an advanced course aimed towards students who wish to skipper a yacht on longer coastal passages or who are working towards taking the Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams. It requires knowledge equivalent to the RYA Day Skipper Theory Course and some practical experience is also recommended.
The RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory Course covers :
- Advanced navigation techniques,
- Tidal heights including detailed secondary port calculations
- Tidal Streams
- GPS and chart plotters
- Meteorology including weather prediction by observation all of which will be used when planning and undertaking a passage
- Collision regulations
- Stability
- Safety
The standard course is run over 6 consecutive days.
Towards the end of the course you will be given three assessment papers to complete, the first on meteorology, the second on chart work and the third on the collision regulations on which you will need to get over 80% to pass.
It is therefore highly recommended that you revise the Rules of the Road before attending the course and that you brush up on your chartwork in order to get the most out of the teaching time.
Student’s classroom requirements:
- Ruled note book
- Pen
- 2B pencil
- Eraser
- Course Plotter (available for sale at Prosailing Malta)
- Dividers (available for sale at Prosailing Malta)
Price €545
Take the plunge! Book this course now.
Should you require more information or if you would like to book this course, please do not hesitate to get in touch.